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Carbon Alloy Acme Lead Screws NOW AVAILABLE / DIAMETERS FROM 3/4" to 6"
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Durable ACME screws with a vast size portfolio intended for higher load applications

Carbon Alloy

Durable ACME screws with a vast size portfolio intended for higher load applications

Precision lead screws with very fine accuracy grades and modest load capacities

Stainless Steel

Precision lead screws with very fine accuracy grades and modest load capacities

New Sizes!
Miniature precision lead screws that are easily configurable for small-scale or space-constrained applications. (Diameters as small as 2mm)

Miniature Precision

Miniature precision lead screws that are easily configurable for small-scale or space-constrained applications. (Diameters as small as 2mm)

Hybrid stepper motor and a precision lead screw in one compact envelope

Motorized Lead Screw

Hybrid stepper motor and a precision lead screw in one compact envelope

Thomson lead nuts are only compatible with Thomson lead screws.

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